Purple Sheep Wikia

ALL THE BEST MINECRAFT BUILDERS HAVE THIS... is a video made by Purple Shep and Failboat as a midquel to If You Needed a BUILDERS LICENSE To Build - Minecraft.


HELLO! Do you know what all great Minecraft builders have in common? Creativity? Passion? No. A builders license. I think. HeLLo tOaStER HeADs!! tOdAY wE aRe bAcK oN mInECrAFt BuiLd bAtTlE tO pRoVe thAt I dEsErVe mY mInEcRaFT bUiLdERs liCeNsE!! i HoPe YoU eNjOY tHe ViDEO!!!


Purple Shep and Failboat begin the video together by greeting the viewers and while walking around in the lobby Purple Shep spots a pig pooping. Purple Shep believes that the pig is pooping chocolate and wants to eat it but it is gone and Failboat explains to Purple Shep why had the chocolate not been gone why it would've been disgusting to eat it. Purple Shep does not understand but explains that he got a building license into ExplodingTNT's most recent video and shows a clip. Purple Shep explains that he got one (much to the confusion of Failboat) and wants to do some building on "Build Battle". Upon going to build battle Purple Shep votes to build ice cream but his description of ice cream makes Failboat disgusted and reminds him of the cake and cheesebooger he made a few videos ago.

Unfortunately for Purple Shep everyone else votes to build a laptop and so Purple Shep makes a terrible looking laptop using dirt blocks. Failboat takes a jab at the viewers and Purple Shep takes that as mission accomplished and tries to leave but Failboat doesn't let him and makes him build a desk out of wood, a chair out of dirt, and then Purple Shep makes a laptop using a boat and makes a reference that Failboat didn't even know Purple Shep knew. Purple Shep however states that he doesn't know the reference and Failboat finds it funny that Purple Shep can know something and then forget what he knows. Suddenly the boat/laptop breaks much to the confusion of Purple Shep but Failboat explains that due to his name boats break around him easily which Purple Shep also doesn't get.

Failboat decides that they should skip all the way to the part where Purple Shep is done and Purple Shep agrees. Moments later it is time to check out everyone else's builds, Purple Shep states that his build is awesome and he made it look super good however Failboat states that Purple Shep is wrong and that he literally did nothing to make the build better. Purple Shep calls out Failboat for being mean who tells Purple Shep he doesn't like to be mean but one of the builds looks like a happy meal box with "404" written on it and that it is still way better than his. Purple Shep disagrees and thinks that the viewers will still like it, Failboat then notices that one of the players actually built ice cream which Purple Shep states that ice cream is better than what they were supposed to do which Failboat agrees with but states it still wasn't the build topic.

Purple Shep's build is shown and it is shown that while Purple Shep didn't exactly do nothing, he didn't exactly do much either adding a stone block with a sign that says "LAPtoP" on it. Purple Shep states that he will still win because he believes the viewers will like it and because he hopes they will vote for him because they like the build and because they like him. Purple Shep then see s a build with a "video" playing on it with 2 cows in it and states that he likes their build and wishes he could be as big as the person watching it and keeps talking about the build until another build (not on topic) appears much to his confusion. Purple Shep states that the weird head shaped build looks like Pink Sheep if say Pink Sheep starred in the Emoji movie which Failboat finds funny and laughs at, Failboat then asks Purple Shep who won (using the phrase "took the cake") and Purple Shep takes it literally stating the ice cream guy most likely took the cake. Failboat tells Purple Shep he meant who won and Failboat states he thinks the computer showcasing a cow video on the computer one only for it show up as he was talking about it as the winner much to his surprise. Purple Shep gets confused and asks where his or the ice cream guy's build is and Failboat states his build didn't show up because he didn't win and Purple Shep asks what "win" means and Failboat decides to give on explaining to him. Failboat tells Purple Shep to end the video and Purple Shep does his outro until Failboat tells people to remember Purple Shep's Golden Toaster T-Shirts and Purple Shep reminds the viewers to do that but asks Failboat what "sell out" means due to people calling him one in the comments however Failboat ends the video before he can answer.


Game Errors[]

  • When Purple Shep's build is first shown the word "LAPtoP" is shown on the sign but later on it is gone, this could however just be a result of him being far away from the build.