PuRpLe ShEp DoEs ThInGs WiTh FoOd🍨🥧?!!??!!?? Oh, gOlLy!!!!!!!
HeLlO tHeRe, ToAsTeR HeAdS🗳️! ToDaY, I wIlL tElL aLl oF u tHe sToRy oF oNcE I wEnT 2 tHe bAtHrOoM🎚️. It aLl sTaRtEd oN a hIlL⛰️, wHeN I mAdE a wAlL🍨, bUt u mIgHt sAy tHiS: "PuRpLe ShEp, wHy wOuLd u bUiLd sOmEtHiNg sImPlE lIkE a wAlL🧱?", bUt iT wAs NOT a rEgUlAr wAlL! It wAs a wAlL mAdE fRoM iCe cReAm🍨! So iN tHe sUmMeR, tHe iCe cReAm mElTeD, u mIgHt tHiNk I wAs nOt reAdY, bUt I wAs! I gOt oUt mY gIaNt pIpE iN2 tHe pUdDlE, tHeN sTaRtEd dRiNkInG tHe iCe cReAm🍨, bUt lItTlE dId I kNoW, tHe sLuRpInG sOuNd wAs sO QUIT, DaDdY PiNk ShEeP🐑 wOkE uP tHeN sAw wHaT wAs I dOiNg, tHeN pUsHeD mE, tHeN dRaNkEd tHe rEsT oF tHe iCe cReAm🍨 bY hImSeLf. ThEn, bY tHe tImE, I lOoKeD lIkE a gIaNt bAlL🏐, bECaUsE I wAs REALLY fAt fRoM tHe iCe cReAm🍨! (PuRpLe ShEp 4G…
Wiki Cleanup
I am cleaning up the wiki since there are lots of pages with useless categories, and I have deleted some fanfiction articles.
Defending the wiki
I am helping this wiki as much as I can to help TheShinyLucarioMaster stop trolls.
Purple Shep Fanon Wiki
I have made a fanon wiki for Purple Shep, this wiki also stores the deleted fanfiction content from this wiki. You can see it here .
purple swap
parody of underswap
purple shep/pink sheep(magor)
explodingtnt/failboat(yO WaT IS dowN uNClE dInomITe)(magor)
mail man mat/pest control paul(recuring)
the purple wether/witch(minor)
I decided to make an adoption on Community Central. Please do not contribute until I've become an admin thank you.
Purple Shep vs. Seth: No matter who wins, Failboat loses.
Even if Seth would have "won," if Failboat had still appeared to tell Purple Shep about taking his ice cream, he would still be at the mercy of the furious sheep.
Purple Shep is SMART????
Is Purple Shep, the adorably deformed sheep-ender dragon hybrid known for his childish and limited intelligence, getting smarter?
pink sheep overlord
this wiki needs to be advertised like the pink sheep wiki. like a parternship. let me know whta you think. also i just got an achivement
An attempt to gain an achivement
This blog post is just an attempt to check and see if the Blog Post achivement is working. And if anyone is reading this... how are you enjoying the wiki?