"Daddy Pink Sheep has a new girlfriend. I was sad at first because he broke up with Mommy Enderdragon, but then Daddy Pink Sheep bought me a toaster with spicy metal chips."
-Purple Shep, about Crystal Sheep and Pink Sheep
"Nice lady Crystal Sheep"
-Purple Shep, mentioning Crystal Sheep
"Fluffy blue lady Cris
-Purple Shep, about Cris
Crystal Sheep is an cyan colored sheep who is the current wife of Pink Sheep and the stepmother of Purple Shep. Pink Sheep fell in love with and became his new girlfriend. Although Purple Shep was saddened by this, because it ment that Pink Sheep and the Ender Dragon broke up, however, Purple Shep forgot all about the situation after Pink Sheep bought him a Toaster. Purple Shep seems to really like Crystal Sheep now, though, as he even drew a picture of her.

The drawing Purple Shep made of Crystal Sheep and Pink Sheep
He likes Crystal Sheep now. She also has realistic eyes, which appear to be pictures of fake eyes
- PINK SHEEP AND MOMMY BROKE UP!! (mentioned only)
- WhAT HAPPENED to. The shep