ExplodingTNT is a Canadian YouTuber. He is commonly referred to as a mouse. He has made an appearance in a few of Purple Shep's videos, CANDY FOR EVERYONE! | Minecraft Parkour. Purple Shep has also called ExplodingTNT his uncle, calling him "Uncle Mouseman" Purple Shep blows up ExplodingTNT's house in TNT Town in quite a few videos, because his house is mostly TNT. In I SHOT ExPLODINGTNT!!!, Purple Shep was mad at him for not letting him blow up his house. Because he wanted to make Bacon by putting a Cow in his house and making it explode but then he told him that he couldn't blow it up which made him mad at him
- Candy for Everyone! (first appearance)
- Making Everyone Purple
- I Have no Legs! (mentioned only)
- My Dream House (mentioned only)
- This Map is too Spooky for Me!
- UNcLE FAILBoOT IS DEAD!!!!! (mentioned only)

Uncle Mouse-man