Purple Sheep Wikia

IT WORKED!!! ... kinda (POOP EXPLOSION) is a video created by Purple Shep it is a sequel to ThiS HAS To STOP!!!! and a prequel to If You Could Have JOBS in MINECRAFT (McDonalds in Minecraft).


Watch "ThiS HAS To STOP!!!!" first!!: https://youtu.be/NeRswvfrvOA HELLO! After Failboat took over Purple Sheps Twitter to get back at him for pooping in his fridge, he thought Shep would learn his lesson about pooping in fridges. Turns out things can only get worse... HelLO!! toDaY i lEaRnEd wHaT a ToiLeT iS AnD iT iS VeRY hOt!!! ThaNK You foR WaTcHiNG anD i HoPe tHaT yOU ENjoY yOuR SatuRDaY eVeN tHouGh iT iS wEdNesDay tOdaY!!


Purple Shep goes on twitter and is confused on why he has so many tweets roasting him and so goes to ask Failboat. Meanwhile Failboat is happy because today in TNT Town has so far been perfect when Purple Shep arrives to annoy him and asks him what's going on. Failboat explains via spoon-feeding to Purple Shep that the fridge is not a toilet but Purple Shep asks what a toilet is if it isn't the fridge. So Failboat shows Purple Shep a toilet and asks him what it is and Purple Shep guesses that it is a microwave however Failboat expecting Purple Shep to state it is a toilet tells him he is correct but before he can correct himself Purple Shep guesses that the microwave is a toilet. Purple Shep then poops in the microwave and attempts to flush by turning the microwave on only for it to explode moments later with Purple Shep laughing and Failboat stating that he hates everything.
