Purple Sheep Wikia

If You Could Have JOBS in MINECTAFT (McDonalds in Minecraft) is a video made by Purple Shep and is connected to a video made by ExplodingTNT called If ExplodingTNT Got a Job - Minecraft.


It's not every day that you walk into a WcDonalds to find out that PurpleShep is the only employee in the building. Finding out that the only thing he cooks are his custom made special cheese boogers is also a horrifying thought. Today we see what having a job in Minecraft would be like. HeLLO tHaNK YOu FoR wAtCHiNg Me woRk aT wCDoNaLDs!! i Am a VeRY gOoD mAsTeR cHeF!


Failboat has a nightmare about Purple Shep screaming in his ear and wakes up to find that it was all a dream. Failboat comments that these nightmares are likely a result of Purple Shep screaming in his ear every night and comments that he has stop that at some point in time. However Failboat also finds it weird that Purple Shep appears to not be around at all and begins looking all over the house for him but only find poop in the fridge and Seth. Failboat is also surprised that he isn't bothering Pink Sheep or ExplodingTNT but decides that this is a good thing and decides to head over to WcDonald's in his car. Failboat arrives after driving through a desert and unintentionally parks his car a little bit inside the walls of the WcDonald's.

Failboat is amazed by what he sees including the fact that the WcDonald's has no roof and is talking about how they mentioned a master chef when he sees Purple Shep. Failboat starts to walk out but Purple Shep calls him back and so Failboat decides to stay with Purple Shep very excited to give Failboat a Cheesebooger. Failboat however does not want any and asks Purple Shep why he is the only one here and apparently while eating a taco he made Purple Shep burped and everyone died from it. Failboat out of pity decides to help Purple Shep out by manning the phone and he realizes Purple Shep is also the chef when suddenly the kitchen explodes. Failboat fixes everything and the point of view camera switches to Purple Shep and Failboat tells Purple Shep that is job is to wait for orders and so Purple Shep waits but

when he sees what the orders is "One number 7 with schezwan sauce, Two large fries, and an Oreo WcFlurry".

Purple Shep is however confused by it as again he does not have too much knowledge or a big brain and has a warped sense of reality, but Failboat is too busy looking at the new Nintendo direct to hear what Purple Shep is saying. So Purple Shep assumes Failboat is listening to customers and working hard so Purple Shep does the same and decides to start tossing ingredients in the sink and then at the end he will mix them together to make the Cheesebooger. The first ingredient he puts in is a ruby pickaxe because to him it looks like ketchup, Purple Shep then puts in a lava bucket stating it will make the "booger" really spicy, Purple Shep then puts in a Leonopteryx egg along with an ostrich egg because he can't read either name and it hurt his tongue to try making him think it would make the "booger" really fancy. Purple Shep then adds a minecart with TNT in it stating that it will give the "booger" explosive flavor, Purple Shep then puts a skeleton in the "booger" stating it will make the "booger" taste like the best thing ever. Purple Shep then states it is time to mix the ingredients together and decides to mix it using TNT suggesting it will give the "booger" even more explosive flavor.

Failboat then hears the explosion and asks Purple Shep what he made and Purple Shep states that he made the "cheesebooger" and Failboat tells Purple Shep that cheeseburgers don't normally explode. Purple Shep then gives Failboat the "burger" but Failboat tells Purple Shep that they need more than just a burger as they need fries and other things on the order when Failboat looks at the "burger" and panics. Failboat states that the burger Purple Shep made is a health code violation in ever sense of the word when he hears the door open and gets scared and decides that he'll just explain it to the customer when they come by only for the customer to be an Alien!. Failboat panics but Purple Shep tells Failboat to give the alien the "booger" and Failboat does and the alien takes the "burger" and eats it and Failboat is scared he is gonna get eaten but as it turned out the alien liked the burger and is the king of his home planet and gives Failboat money before leaving. Failboat however is so traumatized from this experience he doesn't even try to process it and goes into the WcDonald's "I Give Up Hole" and tells Purple Shep he'll see him tomorrow.


  • Failboat
  • Seth
  • Pink Sheep(mentioned)
  • ExplodingTNT(mentioned)
  • Zeph Playz(cameo)
  • Chuck(cameo)
  • WcDonald's Customers(mentioned; deceased)
  • WcDonald's Employees(mentioned; deceased)
  • Toaster Head Nation(mentioned; viewers)
  • Alien!(debut; only appearance)


  • TNT Town
    • Failboat's House
      • Purple Shep's House
    • ExplodingTNT's House
    • Pink Sheep's House
    • Sign Painter's House
    • Other Houses
  • WcDonald's


  • Purple Shep's poop
  • Failboat's car
  • Ruby Pickaxe
  • Lava Bucket
  • Leonopteryx egg
  • Ostritch egg
  • TNT Minecart
  • Skeleton
  • TNT
  • Cheese Booger
  • Money