Just another day for Purple Shep and Failboat is a video created/uploaded by Failboat and Purple Shep. This videos is so wacky that they had no idea what to call it until they realized wait a second this video happens all the time. So they gave it the name it has right now so enjoy this videos where Failboat and Purple Shep just have a normal day that is not normal for most people.
Just another day for Purple Shep and Failboat. Today Purple Shep barges in on Failboat like normal, but this time with a very different twist.
Main Story Part 1[]
In this episode Failboat is sitting on the couch relaxing until Purple Shep jumps through the window and barges in on Failboat telling him he has to go outside. Failboat asks why and what's going on now and Purple Shep tells him a Giant Basket Full Of Eggs is in the sky however Failboat just thinks Purple Shep is talking about the Easter Bunny but Purple Shep tells Failboat that its not the Easter Bunny as they already know what happened to him. Failboat then becomes worried for the Easter Bunny and asks Purple Shep what he did to the Easter Bunny but Purple Shep ominously replies "Nothing" 3 times then Purple Shep asks Failboat if he would like to make scarmbled eggs with him but Failboat explains to Purple Shep that he's trying to relax while playing Super Mario Rabbids. However this somehow reminds Purple Shep of what he was talking about 2 minutes ago and tells Failboat that the 2 of them have to get outside so Failboat knowing Purple Shep won't take no for an answer says he will after he finished his game but Purple Shep denies his game and grabs him ending segment one of the main story.
In this part Purple Shep tells Failboat that while they are going outside that Purple Shep should tell him a story which makes Failboat mad because apparently the urgently pressing matter can wait for a story but not for a game. So in Purple Shep's story he was going to a store to get some eggs when a "puppy" (it was actually a kitten) came and jump scared Purple Shep causing him to be horrified so he looked in his shopping basket to fight off the "puppy" and he found a baguette but the "puppy" was actually too fast for Purple Shep and grabbed the bread from him (probably eating it in the process). Failboat then questioned Purple Shep on whether or not bread was a good weapon against a "puppy" and Purple Shep without a doubt answered "YeS!" Then Purple Shep got offtopic so Failboat told him to finish the story and them reminded him about the egg basket causing Purple Shep to grab Failboat again.
Main Story Part 2[]
After bringing Failboat outside Purple Shep told Failboat what a door is but Failboat responded that he knows what a door is to which Purple Shep for no reason at all thanked Failboat for telling him what a door is causing Failboat to be annoyed. Failboat not wanting to respond just decided to look at the sky and saw a Giant Egg Basket and was surprised to find that Purple Shep was telling the truth but also saw that it was shooting lasers out of its everywhere and when Failboat confronted Purple Shep about the lasers part Purple Shep told him he forgot. Failboat asks (forgetting that this is Purple Shep) how Purple Shep could forget about the lasers part to which Purple Shep reminded him this is Purple Shep they were talking about telling him that he forget what he ate for breakfast. Failboat not wanting to deal with this asked Purple Shep how they could get rid of the Giants Basket Full Of Eggs but Purple Shep told Failboat he has no idea as he already used a bazooka on that thing, Failboat asks why Purple Shep has a bazooka and Purple Shep told Failboat he uses it to cook grilled cheese and Failboat told Purple Shep just how grilled that would make his grilled cheese. Failboat then realized they were getting offtopic again and then began to wonder how they were gonna get rid of the basket but Purple Shep suggest they use Failboat's scythe once again calling it a "Bananna stick thing" Failboat then asks Purple Shep how they would even use the scythe on the egg basket but Purple Shep reminds Failboat that he can fly in the air and Failboat remembers so he gives the scythe to Purple Shep and he uses it blowing up the the egg basket. Failboat is at first surprised that it was surprisingly easy but then realizes he shouldn't get into and asks Purple Shep if he can go back inside and play his Rabbids game but Purple Shep tells him not yet as they have to dfeat the Bast Full Of Elves in the sky shooting macaroni and Failboat begins to rage as that doesn't make sense ending the episode
- Purple Shep
- Failboat
- Basket Full Of Eggs
- "Puppy"
- Basket Full Of Elves
- Failboat is playing Rabbids in the beginning which is a game him and Purple Shep played awhile back
- A sequel to Rabbids is coming soon
- This is one of the first episodes where Purple Shep is telling the truth about something and isn't just going crazy