"HeLlO tHeRe, Mr. AnViL, mY nAmE iS PuRpLe ShEp! U sMeLl SO nIcE, lIkE bUtTeR aNd chEeSe🧀! Oh, gOlLy, iS tHaT a nEw hAiRcUt?"- Purple Shep talking to Mr. Anvil in CREATING A NEW POKEMON

Mr. Anvil was an character Purple Shep was talking to in beginning of one of his videos, Creating a New Pokemon. He would later appear at the end of another one of Purple Shep's videos, Army of Killer Sheep, were he would appear during the ending of the video. Also, in his top 10 blocks video, Mr. Anvil was #1. He also appeared in I CHEATED!!! where Purple Shep suggested him and Failboat used to get past the /give command level. He also said that him and Mr. Anvil like to eat at Chuck E. Cheese's together every Tuesday morning, but Mr. Anvil is really clumsy and falls over a lot on his head.
- CREATING A NEW POKEMON (first appearance)
- Army of Killer Sheep
- TOP 10 BLOCKS!|Minecraft