Purple Sheep Wikia

"I'm going to kill that weird sheep thing"

-Notch, after Purple Shep stole his computer

"Bald man"

-Purple Shep, describing Notch despite being bald.

Notch is the creator of Minecraft, who made an apperance on Purple Shep's channel, while he was doing a video. During his time in the video, Notch stated that he would killed Purple Shep, after Purple Shep stole Notch's main computer. In the animal bikes mod, Purple Shep spawns a Notch head bike, which then attacks him, causing Purple Shep to run away. Shep calls him bald man because he is bald.


  • the official Purple shep youtube channel (first apperance) Why Purple Shep is Ugly?
  • Candy for Everyone! (mentioned only)
  • IS IT POSSIBLE TO BLOW UP OBSIDIAN? | Minecraft (mentioned only)