Purple Sheep Wikia

Purple Shep's phone was an phone that Purple Shep used to frequently call his Uncle Failboat during several of his videos to help him whenever he got confused while playing minigames on Mineplex. Purple Shep also used his phone to get Failboat's help before playing I Am Bread. He also uses it to play Angry Birds, he has a brick in his hand, saying that it's "TOTALLY NOT A BRICK!!!!!" In Do nOt RuN FROM Me UnCle fiAL BoOT!!, Failboat asked why he was playing Super Mario Run on his phone and he has his own but then he said to Failboat that his phone that is TOTALLY NOT A BRICK!!!!! was broken because it fell into the toilet when he was trying to eat a hot dog the day before. However, he got it back later and it was fixed.

