Purple Sheep Wikia

The Golden Toaster is a video made by Purple Shep and Failboat as a way of promoting Purple Shep's new Golden Toaster T-Shirts.


Today is a big day for Purple Shep. Today is the day he releases the official #ToasterHeadNation OFFICIAL Golden Toaster shirt! They will only be available for 2 weeks (until the end of July) so make sure to hurry if you want one! hELLO! tHaNk You fOr wAtCHinG!! I HOPe yoU eNjOyeD aNd gEt a t-ShiRt!!


Purple Shep says hello to the viewers and explains to them that he is sick and feels like an elephant (calling it a cow with a large tail on its face) sat on his face but still wanted to make a video for the viewers. Purple Shep then decides to call Failboat and tells him he is sick at first Failboat doesn't believe Purple Shep due to being pranked in the last video. Failboat decides to see for himself if Purple Shep is sick despite Purple Shep telling him it's a bad idea, Failboat does not believe him and looks only to be horrified by what he sees. A few minutes later Failboat puts Purple Shep to bed and tells him he'll get him all healed up despite being surprised a creature like Purple Shep could get sick.

Failboat then hangs up the phone and records a video saying "Hello" to the viewers and informs them of the Golden Toaster T-Shirts and hoodies Purple Shep made. Failboat then walks around TNT Town while talking about them only to see ExplodingTNT, Failboat walks up to TNT only to see Zeph Playz dead on the ground next to him and panics believing he just saw the scene of a murder. As it turns out Zeph was just taking a nap and ExplodingTNT is just standing there enjoying the day only one of which aware of Failboat's freak out.
